Tuesday, February 22, 2011

So much for every day!

My very best intentions went awry in the recent days. I haven't blogged, which I said I was going to do EVERY DAY. So what is the point of blogging every day anyway? Good question. One friend said she didn't have time to read other people's personal lives every day. Got that, really, I do. I would hope this blog—the Happenstance blog—would be more, much more than that.

For a heartbeat of time I wondered if it couldn't be an ongoing calendar of events around town, but realized that's already being done rather effectively by the local newspaper, radio stations, chamber of commerce and Karyl Lyne's e-mail blasts.

February 7, 2011
In reality this blog is about Happenstance, life happens, but how much can you say about a magazine that comes out digitally once a month? Talk about it too much and you might as well do the zine in the blog, which believe me, I've considered. It would be cheaper, because, yes, despite there being no print costs, there is a fee for maintaining a website plus the zine publishing site. The blog is free.

Hmmm, where was I going with this. Blogging. Right. To blog or not to blog, that is the question (forgive me Mr. Shakespeare).

So, my purpose in the blog is to draw attention to Happenstance and build readership. With that in mind I'm going to highlight articles through the month as a reminder of what readers missed in the current issue, and give hints about what to expect in the upcoming issue.

I might from time to time sneak in current events.

I'm also looking for submissions: essays, memoirs, poetry, fiction and non-fiction, how to articles, photo journalism, cartoons and illustrations. For submission guidelines e-mail happenstance@happenstancelifehappens.com. Unfortunately right now I can't pay writers, but if it's publishing credit you're looking for this is a way to get it done. I am selective so do ask for the guidelines.

About the February issue. Did you read the article on human trafficking? It is a story most of us would rather ignore, but in it you will find out about an local agency developing a program to identify and provide aide to victims of this horrifying practice. To access the article go to the Happenstance website home page, and click on the Hidden in Plain Sight link under Inside This Issue.

Cindy Charlton
I really loved Cindy Charlton's story about finding romance at a time in her life when it wasn't even on her radar. Check it out.

If you haven't made time to read the last Happenstance don't forget another one will be out in two weeks, on March 7.

More about what to look for in tomorrow's blog... maybe.

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